Your HappyCSA database is an online service, which means that once you have signed up, you can access it from any online computer or device by logging in with your username and password. Our friendly and personal customer service will help you through the setup process, which will allow you to:

  • Easily link your HappyCSA database to your existing website through a portal page we will create for you. 
  • Create all the shares you want to sell for the season, and set limits that will automatically display them as sold out once you have met your target numbers.
  • List all the items you plan to sell for the season.
  • Begin having your customers sign up & pay for shares
  • Set up and manage ordering periods.  
  • Print out consolidated harvest lists, customer lists and delivery reports.
  • Create delivery routes with multiple pick up locations as well as the option to allow home delivery.
  • Set up and send out auto login reminder emails/texts as well as delivery notification emails/texts.
  • Check in on open ordering periods to monitor customer engagement.
  • Manage and input inventories